5 ways clear aligners can improve your smile and your health

When you think about straightening teeth with braces or clear aligners, attractive, picture-perfect smiles probably come to mind. But did you know that straighter teeth don’t just look better, they work better too?

Common dental concerns such as crowded or crooked teeth can accelerate tooth wear over time and contribute to other health conditions such as gum disease, jaw pain and irregular breathing. If this sounds like you, don’t worry – advances in clear aligner therapy make it easier and more affordable than ever to get a healthier, straighter smile.

Here are five ways straighter teeth can benefit your health:

  1. Straight teeth help prevent wear and damage

Misaligned teeth (or malocclusion) can cause enamel wear and sensitivity. Where the contact between teeth is not ideal, you might start to notice signs of trauma such as chips, cracks or gum recession. Correcting your alignment with clear aligners will let your teeth function optimally and prevent excess wear and tear.

  1. Straight teeth promote good gum health

Straighter teeth are easier to clean. Crooked teeth often overlap, making it harder to floss between them and clean all surfaces thoroughly. This increases your risk of developing cavities and gingivitis. One advantage of clear aligners is that they are removeable, so you can brush and floss as usual without metal braces getting in the way.

  1. A balanced bite improves chewing and digestion

Properly aligned teeth are better able to break down food, which is crucial for good digestion. We tend to associate digestion with the stomach and gut, but it actually begins in the mouth. The enzymes in saliva start breaking down your food, while your teeth grind food into smaller pieces, which helps your body to fully process and absorb nutrients.

  1. Proper alignment can reduce jaw pain

A balanced bite can relieve symptoms caused by disorders of the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) such as headaches, jaw pain, and ear pain. Wearing clear aligners for the required 22 hours per day has the added benefit of protecting your teeth from grinding during sleep, which can aggravate the TMJ.

  1. Straight teeth can help you breathe better

Misaligned teeth can make it harder for your mouth to close comfortably, sometimes leading to a habit of breathing through the mouth. Mouth breathing dries the oral cavity, causing plaque buildup and bad breath. Clear aligner therapy can correct an uneven bite and promote proper tongue placement, which encourages nasal breathing.


Get the healthy smile you deserve

Investing in a straighter smile now will give you long-term health benefits and can save you costly restorations in the future.

Clear aligner therapies, such as ClearCorrect and Invisalign®, are a popular treatment option for adults and teens. They are clear, comfortable, and convenient, and we offer flexible payment plans to fit your budget. With our new Virtual Dental Monitoring, most of your ClearCorrect treatment can be done from home while still under the supervision of your dentist.

If you would like to learn more, please do not hesitate to give us a call or contact us to book an appointment.

How to protect your teeth this winter

How to protect your teeth this winter

Like the rest of the body, the teeth are no stranger to sensitivity, especially in the cold. If exposed to the cold, the teeth might sustain some damage if not properly taken care of. It is even more important to protect your teeth and mouth this winter, with ailments like the flu and COVID-19 that could infect your bodies, and not offer additional breeding ground to bacteria. The mouth is the gateway to many diseases and also a key component of a healthy immune system, so it is all the more important to pay attention to your oral health

Here are ways to protect your teeth this winter:

Follow your daily routine, always

Suffering winter woes like a headache or sore throat that makes it hard to get out of bed can make daily routines such an impossible task. Even so, one way to combat these ailments is to make sure our mouth is clean and healthy so bacteria doesn’t breed in the mouth. Make sure to stick to your daily hygiene routine – floss, brush, rinse – so you will not find yourself with dental woes on top of what winter season may bring.

Pay attention to what you eat

Winter season always calls for sweet treats and delicacies to battle the cold. Hot cider, hot chocolate, and sweet pastries contain too much of the acidity and sugary goodness we all crave and unfortunately, are not the best of friends for our teeth. Make sure to consume in moderation and keep the sugar levels in your mouth in control. The sugar in your food can affect your enamel and make your teeth sensitive to the cold. You may consider opting your hot chocolate for an herbal tea! And remember to drink plenty of water to help away the sugar!

Treat ailments the sugar-free way

Oftentimes, medication we consume when we’re sick, like cough drops, contain high levels of sugar that can affect your teeth. There are other sugar-free options to treat winter woes. Ask your pharmacists for sugar-free medication.

Rinse, gargle, repeat

Nausea and vomiting can happen at any time of the year, but big holiday meals are known for causing acid reflux and heartburn for many people. Some acid residue can remain in the dental cavity when you experience vomiting or acid reflux that could damage your teeth if not cleaned properly. Remember to rinse with water or a mouthwash that contains fluoride and gargle to get rid of the bacteria and neutralize the acids.

This winter, keep these tips in mind and enjoy a healthy mouth, teeth, and body! Don’t forget to keep safe always and keep in mind that a healthy mouth is a healthy body! For more information on the various services we offer, click here.